Jonathan Ochom


Jonathan Ochom

Jonathan Ochom is a human rights lawyer and activist whose core competencies and expertise are land management, access to justice and legal innovations. Although land is not Jonathan’s only passion, it certainly is the one that drives his career the most. For close to a decade, he has been behind some of the leading interventions that have shaped the land sector in Uganda through community mobilisation and empowerment, legal aid, research as well as legal and policy reform.

Jonathan appreciates the centrality of land in human development and sees his role as a catalyst in making that a reality. This has seen him hold various land-related portfolios at LANDnet Uganda, Oxfam International, the Democratic Governance Facility and Uganda Land Alliance where he has worked multiple stakeholders from the grassroots to the global arena.

LANDnet Profile

LANDnet Uganda was founded in 2012 as a network engaged in research, capacity development and policy advocacy on land, gender, agriculture, and natural resources management. LANDnet offers capacity development, research and organizational management and development to the public, private sectors and to Civil Society Organizations.

LANDnet envisions Uganda’s land and natural resources being used productively, efficiently and sustainably for present and future generations. Its mission is to create an enabling environment for effective participation of all stakeholders in the efficient use and management of Uganda’s land resources for sustainable development. LANDnet’s work is buttressed by four core strategic goals, namely:

  1. Enhance Capacity Development for Land Sector Actors
  2. Influence policy and practice through Research
  3. Influence Policy and Practice through Advocacy
  4. Enhance Democratic Governance and Accountability

In the National Engagement Strategy, LANDnet spearheaded the development of Uganda’s Country Strategy  and was lead partner in the Land Governance thematic area.